I wish I remembered the event name but this signing was the first one I attended and it wasn’t long after I started blogging. I met some amazing authors. I must admit that at this point I didn’t know Colleen Hoover but I did know enough to meet her, grab a photo with her and pick up a couple of signed books.
I think I bought books from every author there. I was just that excited.

The Naughty Mafia event was great. It took place in Las Vegas and by this time I believe I was blogging for at least a year. I was able to meet and network with some amazing author, bloggers and readers. This was a two day event and there were a lot of extras involved (parties, etc.) but I just came mostly for the authors and the books so that’s what I remember the most.
I was able to meet some of my all time favorite authors – which was really exciting. I’m not sure how I managed to get all the books and swag I accumulated during that three day trip in my luggage and back home but I did it! Great event!

I’ve been to Authors in the City nearly every year – as a blogger and author. They run an amazing event. I’m always too busy chatting, helping or signing so I don’t have many photos. 2018 is their last year and it will take place in New York City. I hope to see you there.

This New York signing was a lot of fun. Again, I don’t remember the name of the event but it was very well run.