The Healers by Lynsie Buchanan Cover Reveal

Title: The Healers Author: Lynsie Buchanan Release Date: April 26th, 2013 Goodreads Link: Blurb: During the reign of the Greek Gods, there was Asclepius, the God of Healing. Upon his death two groups battled, the...

Connected by Kim Karr Cover Reveal

Book release date: March 22, 2013. Goodreads link: Synopsis What if a ‘Once in a Lifetime’ could happen twice?  Suffering from a past full of tragedy, Dahlia London’s soul has been left completely shattered....

Kelli Maine Live Chat Invitation

You’re Invited… Come celebrate the release of The Submission of Alistair Ingram Novella with Kelli Maine in a Live Fan Chat! Hosted by The Book Enthusiast Tuesday, February 12th at 8pm-9pm EST ♥ < Enter to win 1 of 3 E-book copies of The Submission of...

Chat NOW with Aleatha Romig

Live Chat happening NOW with Aleatha Romig! 8pm-10pm EST Enter to win an Autographed and E-book copy of Truth by Aleatha Romig below! Truth Autographed & E-book Giveaway Click Chatroll Logo to enter the chat with Aleatha Romig!